Areas of research
Attention & Behaviour
Attention & Behaviour
Integrative health professionals have discovered Enzogenol as an effective nutritional to support healthy attention and activity levels in children.*
Dr. Leila Masson (, a biomedical paediatrician currently practicing in Sydney, had this to say about her experience:
“Enzogenol is a safe and effective nutritional for children on the spectrum that have problems with hyperactivity and concentration. I have noticed improvements within a few weeks of starting this potent antioxidant. Parents and teachers consistently report that the children are calmer and more focused. I recommend a trial of Enzogenol for any child with attention and behaviour issues.”*
The parents feedback has been great! More and more children are reaping the benefits of being calmer, more attentive and socialising much better with other kids. The case studies below attest to the success of Enzogenol as part of a nutritional approach.*
The 11 case studies below have been provided by the parents directly to Enzo Nutraceuticals Ltd using a case study questionnaire. The parent gave consent for the information to be used here as long as it is kept anonymous.
Case 14: F. H., boy, age 10
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? diagnosed at age 3 by an educational psychologist as “being on the spectrum” | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started 2014, 1 caps per day | ||
Special way of dosing: no | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES? | ||
Please describe changes: “He was like the energizer bunny, hyperactive, highly strung, he talks a lot, he is often emotional, angry and easily frustrated. The ENZO tones down everything by a few levels. His hyperactivity, anger outbursts, the constant talking all of it is not so bad when he is taking his ENZO. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
Date of this feedback: July 2017 |
Case 13: L. H., boy, age 10, 50kg, 150cm
Diagnosis at age 7: hyperactivity, inattentiveness, anxiety Supplementation (nutritional): Fish oil, L-theanine, SAM-E, Magnesium Drugs: Strattera (currently) | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Jun 2016, 2 cap per day | ||
Special way of dosing: no | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 1-2 weeks | ||
Please describe changes: ENZO mellowed him, calmed him down and took the edge off. He has been on the Strattera for one month. Before that he has been on Concerta. The drugs often make him very emotional with sadness and tantrums, but ENZO seems to make that better. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Less hyper. Irritability: Less. Attention span: Better. Concentration: Better. Listening ability: Better. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? School report (Dec 08): has become more focussed, showing more self discipline and independence towards learning. | ||
Date of this feedback: June 2017 |
Case 12: D. C., boy, age 8
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? impulsive, emotional outbursts. | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Feb 2009, 2 caps per day | ||
Special way of dosing: swallows with water | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES? | ||
Please describe changes: within 2 days, less emotional outbursts, more cheerful, calmer. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Irritability: improved Socialisation skills: improved Discipline: improved School performance: improved | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? no die off I have removed the risperidone and Sam E successfully (which we had tried before unsuccessfully) | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 9 Mar 2009 |
Case 11: D. H., boy, age 6
Supplementation (nutritional): Fish oil, Vitamin C, D3-drops, probiotic, multivit, Biocidin, Pfeiffer Primer IV (Zinc) | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started 17 Nov 2008, 1 cap per day | ||
Special way of dosing: no | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 3-4 weeks | ||
Please describe changes: less”thick” – retaining information better, calmer, more capable. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: No less than normal. Irritability: Less. Attention span: Better. Concentration: Better. Listening ability: Selective hearing! a little. Socialisation skills: Never a problem. Discipline: He’s nicer. School performance: Improved, not hugely but encouraging. Sleep: Always a good sleep. Appetite: Same. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? School report (Dec 08): has become more focused, showing more self discipline and independence towards learning. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 20 Dec 2008 |
Case 10: M. G., boy, age 16
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Inattentive. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Omega-3 | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started 14 Oct 2008, 2 caps per day | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES? | ||
Please describe changes: He said that he finds it easier to concentrate after being on the tablets for 2 weeks. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Attention span: Yes! Concentration: Yes! | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? No. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 28 Nov 2008 |
Case 9: N. P., boy, age 5
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Hyperactive / impulsive / oppositional defiant. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Probiotic, Multivitamin, Vit C, Magnesium, Evwening Primrose oil, Epsom Salt Baths, Zinc Pfeiffer Primer IV, Flaxoil. | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started 24 Sep 2008, 2 caps per day | ||
Special way of dosing: 1 cap morning straight after food,. Second after lunch or 3 pm. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES. If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 1 day. | ||
Please describe changes: It appeared to work quickly – I noticed once dosed in the morning he seemed calmer in afternoon. At first I thought that it was a fluke, but the next day he seemed to be calmer, too. With the calmness came better clearer speech. Good listening, more receptive to requests to comply. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No. | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Calmer. Irritability: Less. Attention span:Much better. Concentration: Much better. Listening ability: Greatly improved. Discipline: Better – more receptive, compliant. School performance: Better. Sleep: OK. Appetite: No noticable change. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? I did drop the afternoon rubifen 10 to see what reaction we would get. He coped so well that I continued it – only dosing when the situation called for it.Really happy with the result N has had, will continue with this product as part of his supplement regime. Most days he has only 2/3 doses of Rubifen. N starting school on 20th Nov. Many Thanks, F.P. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 10 Nov 2008 |
Case 8: T. B., boy, age 8
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Predominantly inattentive. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin C, Acidophilus, Fish oil (daily), Multivitamin (2-3xwk) | ||
Other modes of treatment: Osteopathy, meditation, homeopathy, naturopathy | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started 12 Sep 2008, 1 cap per day (240mg) | ||
Special way of dosing: Swallows capsule whole. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES. If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? Difficult to say. | ||
Please describe changes: More attentive, attempting to solve problems instead of ignoring (e.g. can’t find shoes so finds a different pair), calmer. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? Could his bowel be irritated? – Has had 1 episode of tummy bug and 1 episode of irritable bowel this past 4 weeks. [ENZO Response: Enzogenol does not cause stomach or bowel irritations. These events are very likely unrelated to the ENBZO Professional.] | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Calmer. Attention span:More attentive. Concentration: Reading for longer. Listening ability: Improved. Discipline: Not sure! School performance: Not sure! Sleep: Variable. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 12 Oct 2008 |
Case 7: W. C., boy, age 9
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Hyperactive, impulsive. Once he is on a track it is hard to divert him. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): PM Forte, Fish oil, Probiotics, Olive leaf extract, biocidin | ||
Other modes of treatment: Homeopathy | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Oct 2007, 1 cap per day | ||
Special way of dosing: Swallows pills. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES. If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? Quite quickly. | ||
Please describe changes: When you are doing so much it is tricky to tell what is working, but my gut tells me that the Enzo has been instrumental in the latest strides forward that we have made. I want to keep him on it. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No. | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Much better. Listening ability: Still problem. Socialisation skills: Much better. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 5 May 2008 |
Case 6: D. M-W., boy, age 8
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Combination. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Herbal anti-streptococcal mix, Biocidin, Probiotic, B-complex, Magnesium, Fish oil, Evening primrose oil, Zinc-Pfeiffer primer, Selenium, DMG | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Feb 2008, 2 caps per day | ||
Special way of dosing: Capsule fine. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES? (Difficult to isolate if specifically due to Enzo as other suppl started at the same time.) If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? not sure. | ||
Please describe changes: This year D is calmer, able to concentrate in classroom setting for short periods. Will comply with instructions. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Few episodes – was little problem. Irritability: This was a problem – major meltdowns. Much more settled. Very few meltdowns. Attention span: Longer now so can work/concentrate in bursts 15min. Concentration: Can now work in classroom. Previously had to be separated with teacher aid. Listening ability: All related. Socialisation skills: A lot more confident and social. Can play without having to dominate. Happy. Proactively joining school clubs and sport. Discipline: Far fewer “time outs”. Will follow direction when being told off. School performance: He is doing work for the first time since starting school! Huge change. Sleep: Still restless. Appetite: Always big appetite. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? I’ve been taking it (Enzo Professional) and, perhaps wishful thinking, feel sharper thinking. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 11 April 2008 |
Case 5: J. C-S., boy, age 16
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Combination of both. | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Vitamin C, D, Forte Nutrients, CoQ10, B2, L-carnitine, N-Acetylcysteine – 200mg (6 a day), CMD trace mineral tablets, iron, diet enzymes, OMG ultramuscleze, probiotic, Vit E (400IU) | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Nov 2007, 4 caps per day (2 AM, 2 PM) | ||
Special way of dosing: J takes tablets no problem. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? | ||
Please describe changes: Much calmer, notices things around him. More energy in a positive way. J had food poisoning as a baby & we have only been doing the Biomedical for 5 1/2 years so started late. As there were no Doctors doing Biomedical when J was 4 years old which is a shame as lead is not good for the brain – IQ etc. That was J’s main problem & viruses. We have got the lead out – now we are healing the body, brain – I hope. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Less. Irritability: Less. Attention span: Better. Concentration: Better. Listening ability: Better. Socialisation skills: Better. Discipline: Better. School performance: Pleased with his behaviour. Academics is still a problem. Sleep: Always been great. Appetite: Better. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? How long does this product need to be in the system before you should notice differences? More differences than about. – 5 months on these meds now. Or will there be slight improvements all the time? | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 12 April 2008 |
Case 4: S. D., boy, age 8
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Inattentive! | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Vitamin C, probiotics, cod liver oil, digestive enzymes, ” ultra-muscle-eze” (magnesium), mulivitamin (“kindervital”), flaxseed oil, “neuro-care for kids”, melatonin, calcium | ||
Other modes of treatment: Brain-Gym exercises, gluten-free, casein-free diet, no artificial flavourings, colourings, preservatives | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Feb 2008, 2 caps per day | ||
Special way of dosing: No, just swallow with water. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? Immediate! | ||
Please describe changes: From the first few days we found that S focused better and longer than before. He is also better at interacting with other children. His restless behaviour decreased significantly. We had been doing supplements and GF/DF diet for 7 months but it wasn’t until we used Enzogenol/Enzo Professional that we saw a dramatic change in his ability to focus. S is now doing very well in school and learning classical guitar! And he is in Cub Scouts!! | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Decreased by a significant amount. Irritability: Much more capable of controlling emotions. Attention span: Greatly increased! Concentration: Much more clear-minded and able to focus. Listening ability: No change – selective hearing! Socialisation skills: Much improved due to not annoying others. The greatest problem with socialisation for S was that he couldn’t stop annoying other children by touching them, bumping into them, spinning around, talking too loudly, just constantly in motion. Now he can sit quietly in a group and not drive the other children crazy. While this is normal for others, this is a first for S! Discipline: Doesn’t have tantrums anymore when reprimanded. School performance: Greatly improved. Sleep: No change. Appetite: No change. (has never had much of an appetite) | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? I wish that we had known about this when S was a toddler!! We could have saved him and us a whole lot of grief! This has truly been the turning point for us. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 11 April 2008 |
Case 3: D. M., boy, age 6
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Both! | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Biomedical P5P, Zn, Mg | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Dec 2007, 1 cap per day | ||
Special way of dosing: Capsule given in mashed fruit. He swallows it whole. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 1 week! | ||
Please describe changes: D is less hyperactive, more attentive and calm. Concentration is better. He wants to interact with other people. Responds to people talking to him. He is much more aware what is going on around him. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Less hyperactive! Irritability: Less irritable! Attention span: Much better! Concentration: More concentration! Listening ability: Yes, very much so! Socialisation skills: Interested in things going on around him! Discipline: Much better because of his listening! School performance: Much calmer! Sleep: He has always been a good sleeper, no change! Appetite: Just the same! | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? Prior to Enzo Professional D would only be able to tolerate a trip to the shopping mall, kids party or supermarket for a max of 1 hour. Now he is great for 2-3 hours!!! Fabulous improvement. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 12 April 2008 |
Case 2: A. W., girl, age 6
Supplementation (nutritional): Vitamin C, Mg, Zn, Se, probiotic, iodine, floradix, B12, Evening Primrose oil, Cod Liver Oil | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Nov 2007, 2 caps (1 am, 1 pm) | ||
Special way of dosing: Capsule content sprinkled onto a spoon of soy yoghurt | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 3 months! | ||
Please describe changes: Calmer. Happier. Complient. Focused at school. Learning better. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? No! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: No. Irritability: Yes. Much calmer! Attention span: Yes. Much better! Concentration: Yes. Improved! Listening ability: Yes. Understands well! Socialisation skills: Yes. Making friends! Discipline: Yes. Much more obedient! School performance: Yes. Brilliant! Sleep: Yes. Sleeping through! Appetite: Yes. Eating breakfast. | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? Nice company to deal with. Friendly + helpful. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 11 April 2008 |
Case 1: J. C., boy, age 9
Is your child predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or a combination of both? Predominantly hyperactive! | ||
Supplementation (nutritional): Iodine, Zn, Vitamin D, omega 3’s | ||
ENZO Professional Supplementation: started Aug 2007, 1 cap per day | ||
Special way of dosing: Straight as capsule with juice. | ||
OBSERVATIONS 1. Have you seen any changes in your child after starting on Enzo Professional? YES! If YES, how long after starting Enzo Professional did you notice changes? 1 week! | ||
Please describe changes: A whole lot calmer. Reading has improved. Comprehension has improved. Listening to instructions are better. Behaviour improved by 100%. Even when he is on Enzo Professional his behaviour will deteriorate if he has chocolate or lollies with colouring. We avoid additives etc… But with Enzo huge improvement. | ||
2. Have you noticed any unwanted effects / side effects from Enzo Professional? None, whatsoever! | ||
3. Have you noticed any changes on the following after starting your child on Enzo Professional? If so, please comment: Hyperactivity: Very calm now! Irritability: Less irritable! Attention span: Improved! Concentration: Improved! Listening ability: Improved! Socialisation skills: Mixes with kids better! Discipline: A lot better. We rarely have to tell him off compared to before! School performance: Vast improvement! Sleep: Small improvement! Appetite: Eats like a horse! | ||
4. Is there anything else you might have noticed that you feel might be helpful to add here? Before starting on Enzo his reading was extremely difficult. Since then his reading has improved amazingly. We finally have hope & his confidence in Maths and reading have improved too. | ||
Date this questionnaire was filled out: 13 April 2008 |
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, Medsafe, TGA or other authorities. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.